Daily Archives: February 8, 2009

RW Daily: talks nonsense and occasional inspiration

The RW Daily, the running blog written by the editors of Runners World is a great blog that offers lots of nonsense advice and occasionally mentions inspirational running stories that really make you want to run-or do something amazing. Recently he posted a blog about a man who ran seven marathons in seven days on seven different continents. That is inspiring and truly amazing. Another recent post was about a man who ran on a tredmill for 24-hours straight to celebrate his 30th birthday. Why? Again, this is awesome and inspiring. To non-runners this sounds awful and uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable, very much so, but the experiece derived from this has got to be worth it. 


Here is the link to this blog, check it out for some advice, inspiration and maybe just a little something to brighten up your day: RW Daily

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